Friday, October 1, 2010

Just another Fartlek Friday.

Nothing spectacular to report today.  Ran my regular Friday 6 mile fartlek run.  Lots of fast and slow running.  Got started too late.  Couldn't believe the sun was already up when I got home.  The kids were almost late for school!  I was a good 15 minutes behind schedule today.  Oops!  Just one big complaint today.  I wore a different kind of bra than I usually do and that caused my earphones to be all messed up.  I know that doesn't make any sense but let me explain.  I usually wear a racing back bra and today I wore a regular one.  And I wind my iPod cord around my bra strap so it doesn't pull on the earphones.  But since the bra strap wasn't right in the back, it made one iPod cord longer than the other and it drove me crazy the whole run.  I couldn't think about anything else.  I won't do that again!  You can see the difference in cord length in this picture.

Other than that, it was a good run.  Split times were good: 8:58, 8:34, 8:46, 8:38, 8:36, 8:11 (8:37 average).  I was happy that the hill running yesterday didn't effect today's run.  We'll see if I'm still feeling good tomorrow.  :)

Tomorrow's run is an easy 4 miles.  Gonna try to keep it at about a 9:00 pace.

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