Thursday, September 30, 2010

4 miles and hills and marathon registration

I ran my regular 4 miles this morning.  Training plan called for 4 miles at a 9:00 pace.  I felt good today so went a little faster than that.  Splits were 8:49, 8:43, 8:22, 7:59 (8:28 average).  Was such a better run than yesterday's 4.  Just felt good.  The sun was just coming up as I got home so here you have a sunrise picture and a happy me showing how many miles I had just run.

Serenity now!
And then this afternoon I had to run the hills that I didn't run yesterday.  So I drove over to Cedar Hill after work and found a good hill and ran it 6 times.  I won't lie ... it was rough!  My legs were tired from the morning run and it was hot out and I just did not want to run it!  I had to laugh cause of the street name at the bottom of the hill.  (Have you seen the "Serenity now" Seinfeld episode?)  And look at that fake smile on my face.  I took this picture after I had run down the hill but hadn't started any uphill running yet.  You can see the hill in the background.

But the view from the top of the hill was so pretty.  :)

Overall, I ran 1.38 miles and my average pace was 10:15.  This was a better pace than last week on the hills but I don't think the hill was as steep.  And I need to work on my form.  I'm getting better going up the hills but running too much on my toes going down.  Lots more work to be done on the hills!

And then when I got home I realized that today was the last day to register for the White Rock Marathon befor a $25 price increase.  So I hopped on the DWRM website and checked out how many spots were still available and then I registered.

So I'm officially all signed up to run it on December 5th!!  So excited!  :D

Tomorrow is a 6 mile fartlek run.  Hope my legs feel better than they do right now!

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